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Mock Trial Competition Details

Trial #1: Prosecution  1/22/2015

We will depart the school slightly before 4pm.  The courthouse is located at 45 N. George Street, York, PA.

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Parking is available on the street (metered) or in the parking garage west on Philadelphia Street.  The trial will last approximately an hour and a half.  Parents and friends are welcome.


Mock Trial Practice




Competition Details 2014

Trial #1 Defense - 2/3/2014

We will depart school at approximately 4:15pm and meet at the Stock and Leader law offices at 221 W. Philadelphia Street.

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Parking is available behind the building.  We will eat and practice, then walk as a group to the courthouse.  The trial begins at 7:15pm and will last approximately and hour and a half.


Trial #2  Plaintiff - 2/6/2014

We will depart the school slightly before 4pm.  The courthouse is located at 45 N. George Street, York, PA.

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Parking is available on the street (metered) or in the parking garage west on Philadelphia Street.  The trial will last approximately an hour and a half.  Parents and friends are welcome.


Plaintiff Rescheduled

n case you haven't stopped by to inquire, the plaintiff case has been rescheduled to Feb 6 at 5:15pm.  Please see me for additional details.


Mock Trial Canceled

The trial scheduled for today is canceled and will be rescheduled.  Please keep working on your materials and practicing.  Use this extra time wisely.


Practice Trial 1/16/2014

It is incredibly important for you to look over my notes and watch the video.  You will only improve if you actively do something.  If you have questions please contact me.

General Comments

  • Plaintiff Opening needs work.
  • ALL OF OUR QUESTIONING IS TOO LONG.  Time your questioning, try to keep directs around 5-6 minutes max and crosses to 4 minutes.
  • Defense - Use the pamphlet against Kelly on cross
  • Plaintiff - Don't use exhibits 2 and 3 with Morgan; just use them with Kelly.  You can mention it with Morgan but no need to use the exhibits.
  • Was the argument over the spelling of the hotline acronym important?  Is  there a descrepency in the the case materials?
  • Avoid using only first names. 
  • Plaintiff - What do you mean about "Special Classes".  If I don't know what you are talking about the jury deffinately doesn't.  Either explain it or get rid of it.
  • Review impeachment procedures.
  • Do we need to bring up the signatures with every witness......?


There have been improvement but we still have work to do.  Please work every day this weekend and contact me if you have any questions.


Click here for the notes. (Read this, it is very important!)



Mr. McComas


Practice Trial 1/10/2014

First, I want to thank everyone for their work today.  A couple of general comments.  

1.  Everyone has work to do before we compete.  Check the notes and videos below to find ways that you can approve.  Don't just look at your notes.  Look at the notes for the witness and opposing attorney as well, they may pertain to you.

2.  Both sides went too long with their questioning.  Each side is allowed 30 minutes for all of their questioning (direct, re-direct, cross, re-cross).  Plaintiff took 46:13 and defense took 39:53.  At the real trial they will stop the clock for objections but even accounting for that, we need to trim things down.  I noted the times for each portion in my comments that are found below.

3.  Think about your witness order.  Some witnesses need the other witnesses to set things up in order for their testimony to make sense.

4.  I will be available after school all next week.  I would HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to find time to work with me at some point.

5.  PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.  Do it after school, before school, at someones house, over skype, whatever it takes.

If you have any questions, shoot me a message or email.


Click here for the notes.

NEW!!!!!!!!!!!! Click here for the jury ballots.



Part 1


Part 2

Part 3


Mr. McComas